I believe that if I dont really tell about this, I guess nobody will know about it. Basically, on 2 october 2010, Hari Anugerah Cemerlang Or The Speech Day was held in SERATAS.I found out that it was on Saturday. So, I just made myself further to the north, revisiting my place of studying in that boarding school. After hours of travel, I finally reached in SERATAS compund. The first thing that popped in my mind. BANYAKNYA BENDA DAH BERUBAH!!! It was true that for the past few months, there was a lot of developments that have been happening here. Even the Dewan Besar or Dewan Sri Larut now had the fully-functioned air condenser. They mada the whole hall like Gunung Kinabalu. Maybe it was 10-11 Celsius something.
I managed to meet my friends and my teachers. It was pleasant to see that everyone had thier own pathways after SPM. That was why people always said that SPM was the last thing that you can see all other students together because they have the same target: excellence and flying colours. I managed to meet my BM, Physics, ADD MATH, and CHEM teachers. Soon after, the ceremony have started.
Tahun ni, Sultan Azlan Shah tak dapat datang. Jadi RAJA MUDA of Perak instead came to SERATAS for the speech day ceremony. What I could see was that the protocol of royalties were still the same, cuma yang berbezanya, cara nak letakkan tangan atas muka masa nak menyembah tu lainlah sikit. In other aspects, I believed that nothing was different. Tepat jam 10.30 am, Raja Nazrin sampai dan masuk ke dalam dewan yang sejuk betul tu. Lepas tu, nyanyian lagu sekolah. Oh boy, THIS was definitely the moment that I had been waiting for, LAGU SEKOLAHKU. Accompanied by the school's wind orchestra, the school anthem was played very grandly, memang tak macam main pakai kaset yang dah direkodlah. Bukan apa, the thing is kalau wind orkestra main sesuatu lagu, memang feel dan thrill tu ada sebab bunyi dia memang live.
After the principle delivered her speech, it was Raja Nazrin's turn. To me, I had a lot to learn from his speech. He stated that in order to achieve something in the future, we should not leave the past and simply being ignorant about it as the past would actually guide us in the real path. Maksudnya, kalau nak berjaya tu, jangan sampai lupa diri dan asal usul kita sampai satu tahap tu, kita akan terkena sesuatu yang kita tidak jangkakan.
After the principle delivered her speech, it was Raja Nazrin's turn. To me, I had a lot to learn from his speech. He stated that in order to achieve something in the future, we should not leave the past and simply being ignorant about it as the past would actually guide us in the real path. Maksudnya, kalau nak berjaya tu, jangan sampai lupa diri dan asal usul kita sampai satu tahap tu, kita akan terkena sesuatu yang kita tidak jangkakan.
Now, it was time for the penyampaian hadiah. Sampai giliran saya, I did angkat sembah and buat macam orang lain buat.When I was exactly in front of him, he gave me the folder and he questioned me"sekarang belajar kat mana?". Okay, frankly I did not expect he would say something like that. For few seconds I definitely being in silence. Then I said that "UM". After that I forgot about the menjunjung kasih thing. So, I just belah macam tu jer. I found out my friends were also being questioned by him. Lagi tak boleh blah.,my friends reponded "haaa?" to him. Tak kisahlah, yang penting that would be a moment to be cherished for the whole time.
After that, there were santapan diraja at DM. ohh, DM SERATAS memang best. sebab dewan makan ni sungguh besar walaupun dah lama dan agak outdated. It reminded me the moments as a student where all of us would eat together in the DEWAN Makan, eating the planned menus and meals daily. tHERE were live musical performances during the makan thing. best jugaklah. macam penyanyi yang dekat taraf cafe high class. sebab music and singing of autumn leaves memang sedap betul. The Raja Muda then left the school compund after the santapan diraja. I almost forgot to mention about the car that he rode. I beleive that it was a BMW car, but it looked somehow greater and more luxurious compared to other BMW cars out there.
so, the main thing that I want to state here is that, the purpose of going to the school is not just because of the anugerah spm tu, but the value of experience during the ceremony that made me eager to do something in the future to achieve even greater excellence, apart from meeting with the teachers,friends and juniors. Kalau boleh, memang nak datang lagi SERATAS sebab macam sekejap sangat pergi hari tu.
p/s:that day was so memorable and full with excitement.
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