Scholars in a nutshell

This section serves as a guidance for those who want to apply for scholarships especially for SPM leavers (excluding state-funded scholars like FELDA,YT,YS and MAIK because it is state-specific and not open to students from other states/non-FELDA)


Sime Darby


If you want to know the amount of allowance of each scholarship, you would have to comment or dm on my post in this blog before I give you the access link to it.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

My current life

Thinking the fact that I now occupy in Univesiti Malaya or exquisitely known as MU (Malayan University) had made me a little confused of what I am actually doing here for the following years of my life. So, here I am, writing this post on the morning of Saturday. Seriously, a lot of Asasians had left for home and their respective places. That was why I could not hear much from the roars and maniacs that they put in World Cup 2010 in the dewan makan of 12TH College. Oh lupa nak bagitahu. Dalam minggu keempat ini, ramai juga kenalan-kenalan saya yang sudah keluar meninggalkan bumi UM kerana mereka memilih sesuatu yang lebih baik untuk diri mereka. Sudah menjadi rezeki diorang nak dapat overseas scholarships, so there is no right to deny about it lah. Faizal dah blah, for Architecture in Australia by JPA, Harith went for Dentistry also in Australia by JPA and Zuhaili had gone to UNITEN for Electrical Engineering by TNB. Frankly to say, many of the Asasians had left without notice because it just had been 4 weeks staying here, for the Asasi Programme in Universiti Malaya.

Let me make it a clear statement. Syukur alhamdulillah, everything remained on the right track. I just got my offer from JPA for PIDN, which means that JPA will sponsor me until the degree programme, if I at least score 3.5 and above during my one-year-programme in UM. Eventhough tak dapat untuk luar negara, I always believe that GOD had the best choice for my life. Dalam erti kata lain, benda yang kita dapat ni, benda yang terbaik untuk kita dan ada hikmah di sebaliknya. As far as concern, I had not written this post for quite long. It would be probably due to the fact that it is on the fourth week, meaning that all the tutorials, practicals and lectures, all of them occur this week. Oh god, terlalu penatlah. Tak mengapa, yang penting ikhlaskan hati untuk menuntut ilmu kerana Allah dan untuk menyebarkan syiar Islam di Bumi ini sebagai khalifah Islam. THAT sounds big, but that is the fact that all muslims should adhere to. Even if we get straight 4 flats and strings of a's, it does not mean that the person would get the blessings from Allah swt if that person don't even put his conscience as honestly as possible in his life.

Back to UM, OH!!!. Rupa-rupanya, saya terjumpa seorang senpai aka senior AAJ yang ada minat yang sama mengenai muzik. This senpai is more to wind orchestra, where as I am more to classical piano. We just chatted along through the night, just talking about the passion for music, tapi banyak merepek jugaklah. What ever it is, I feel great to meet new friends and people as I got to know more about them and their life as well. Just untuk broaden my networking aka saya pun tak faham sangat apa bendanya social networking ni.

Lagi satu, kerja amali and tutorial is so extreme in quantity, meaning that a lot of works are given in this week, compared to last weeks and before, this week is the most hectic so far. Bayangkan, from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday for 10 months, it is a great challenge for everyone. Bukan apa, kat sekolah dulu, mana ada sistem kuliah, amali, tutorial dengan kelas sampai petang ni. Masa dekat Seratas pun, takdelah rasa susah sangat macam sekarang, eventhough in Asasi we only learn 4 subjects and in Seratas we took up to 10 subjects for everyone there. Physics is extremely difficult to comprehend, Chemistry requires time to memorize all the concepts and stuffs, Biology is another memorizing subject and last but not least, Mathematics-to me I don't really like Maths even though it is easy to score. Malas nye nak belajar. Tak pe, just take the challenge and go for it.
Oh,oh oh, saya dapat tahu yang SERATAS dapat no 100 for KPI ranking in Malaysia. Thanks to juniors there, dapatlah jugak tahu sedikit sebanyak mengenai perkembangan kat SERATAS ni. Tapi sayang, bangunan baru macam kat atas, lepas form 5 tahun lepas dah blah, barulah nak siap lah, nak gunalah. It is somehow a reality that all of Batch 24 have to accept for. In a nutshell, I want to go back to my alma matter, not only SERATAS, but also KSAH,ISKANDAR and TAMAN RAKYAT. Without the teachers, I won't be be here today, being a Universiti Malaya student. Thank you, teachers. Dah alang2 ada masa ni, baik I make it a brief fact about SERATAS.
  1. Cluster school for the SBP category( dapatlah jugak, selepas 2 tahun penantian)
  2. Terletak di depan zoo dan depan Bukit Larut
  3. SBP yang paling lembab di Malaysia
  4. Pasukan WIND Orc dan Hoki paling menyerlah di sini
  5. PMR 2007-NO 9 in SBP ranking, 81/109 scored straight a's
  6. Currently, ada blok pentadbiran, makmal komputer dan asrama puteri yang baru
  7. Ada dua padang sekolah
  8. Low-profile SBP, BUT high profile puan pengetua
  9. Makin kurang lower forms, tapi makin banyak upper forms(banyak ambik form 4 intake
Banyak lagi yang nak tulis ni, tapi next time I think.
p/s: KSAH akan diceritakan untuk post yang akan datang.
"once a collegian, always a collegian"-sahc alor setar

1 comment:

  1. barangsiapa bertaqwa kepada ALLAH, nescaya DIA akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar. Dan memberi rezeki kepadanya tanpa disangka-sangka. Dan barangsiapa yang bertawakkal kepada ALLAH, nescaya ALLAH akan mencukupkannya. Sesungguhnya ALLAH melaksanakan urusan yang dikehendakinya. Sesungguhnya ALLAH telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu.
