Scholars in a nutshell

This section serves as a guidance for those who want to apply for scholarships especially for SPM leavers (excluding state-funded scholars like FELDA,YT,YS and MAIK because it is state-specific and not open to students from other states/non-FELDA)


Sime Darby


If you want to know the amount of allowance of each scholarship, you would have to comment or dm on my post in this blog before I give you the access link to it.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

seminggu lagi

seminggu sedah berlalu, maka sedikit lagu waktu sebelum bermulanya mid sem. i do hope this mid sem will give me the cheer that i had long been waiting for. apapun, berusahalah dan berdoalah dengan sebaiknya selagi ada masa ini.
well, i just wanti to say about the debate, of course. kalau x cakap pasal debate memang agak x kenalah. so untuk minggu english pasum 2011, the final english debate match was between 2 group of physical streams.
I could not remember thier group alphabetical order but i could say that the match that night was pretty decent.
motion: THBT goverment tax gives more benefits towards its people
gov: another fizikal group
oppo: the one that we lost in semi-final
the result: the motion falls (oppo wins!!) and surprisingly osman (1st speaker) was declared the best speaker for the final match. what a surprise because ghazli was much more qualified as he did bring the whole government argument to the bottom of the ocean. but, he did deserve too because his reply speech was very very remarkably outstanding and superior because he inserted the real flaws by the government during the match.
apapun, diorang deserved to win. as for the government, well done you guys because it was not bad after all. kalau gov betul2 beri penekanan kepada aspek kemjuan infrastruktur and education, i sure that gov would win somehow. tapi, debte was subjetive to be speculated.
enough about that, aku nak join lagi benda2 mcm ni sebab sememangnya debate akan membuka mata dan fikiran seseorang untuk berusaha mencari isi dan sebagainya, and most importantly, i did make acquaintance with the opponents and get to know them better. manalah tahu, satu hari nanti jumpa balik dalam apa2 event or majlis apa2.
p/s: siapkan soalan semua dan studi sampai puas hati. team star and sdar memang hebatla. rmc even hebat.