Scholars in a nutshell

This section serves as a guidance for those who want to apply for scholarships especially for SPM leavers (excluding state-funded scholars like FELDA,YT,YS and MAIK because it is state-specific and not open to students from other states/non-FELDA)


Sime Darby


If you want to know the amount of allowance of each scholarship, you would have to comment or dm on my post in this blog before I give you the access link to it.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Safety comes first


You must have heard about this guy above right? I believe every student ought to know that he was falsely by the pretext or intention of the people around him trying to assist him, but the fact that they did quite totally against by the human nature itself...This is the picture that was caught and in fact there are many videos regarding this inhumane robbery in the streets of London...

He was none other that Malaysian student Mohammed Ashraf Haziq, 20. He is the MARA-SPONSORED STUDENT AND HE WAS JUST ARRIVING IN THE UK A FEW MONTHS EARLIER. IF THIS HAS GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH THE riot or the carnage of the A Briton earlier this day, all this mugging and looting that loomingly appear to escalate into further act of Uncivilised people.
Now, the policemen or should I say the cops of 16,000 would scourge the area involved to address this conflict in the real future..Hopefully, the recalcitrant people which involved in this kind of act should be able to notice that their actions will not eventually be fruiting any positive yet harmonious outcome, instead it only bring much grievances to the community of Londoners from being regarded as one of the most friendliest people in the world.
The looting, burning and damaging properties that have been for generations have all wiped out senselessly by these irresponsible people. This have caused a bit of turn down in the economy of Britain....
Hopefully, this riot will not spur the other cities to involve as well.Hopefully, all the Malaysians in the UK and Nearby are safe from this crisis and turmoil that has rattled the peace and tranquility of the UK. Ok, nak cakap Melayu pulaklah....

Kalau korang nak tahu, ini semua adalah disebabkan pembunuhan seorang warga britain oleh polis britain.sebab2nya adalah tidak diketahui...Mungkin korang boleh beri jawapan kalau korang rajin mengoogle ni. Harap2, krisis ni x lah berterusan macam kat Mesir dulu.Habis semua pelajar Malaysia terpaksa kena hantar pulang ke Malaysia sebab keamanan kat sana dah x terjamin. Apa-apapun, sebagai pelajar Malaysia di negara sendiri, aku berharap bahawa pelajar-pelajar di UK dan Eire akan berusaha yang terbaik untuk mempelajari hikmah daripada kejadian ini. Mungkin ada sesuatu yang dapat kita pelajari....
  • Mengapa perkara sebegini boleh berlaku?
  • adakah media massa atau laman sosial punca memburukkan keadaan sebegini?
  • adakah pengaruh negara lain yang sudah membuat demonstrasi sebegini membuatkan mereka semua ni turut serta?
  • Apakah tindakan yang bakal diambil selepas ini?
  • Apakah kebaikan dan keburukan perkara sebegini?
  • Adakah kita sebagai pelajar tajaan biasiswa akan mengambil ikhtibar atas apa yang berlaku supaya tidak sewenang-wenangnya menggunakan duit keraajaan untuk bersuka-ria?
  • dan persoalan lain2...yang korang sendiri boleh bangkitkan....
In the end, aku berharap segala kekacauan ini akan reda dengan secepat mungkin..Manalah tau, satu hari nanti kalau dapat tawaran sambung belajar kat UK, aku pun xkan tolak tawaran ni sebabnya aku dah memang suka sangat dengan negara yang meretasi Garisan Masa Greenwich ni.....hehehe,extra pengetahuan am.....

P/S: UK&IRELAND, please stay cool and always keep your composure securely


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